Honda knows that complex problems require creative solutions, which is why its parts catalog includes everything from engine blocks to branded coolers with padded lids that double as tailgating seats. Other items, however, such rodent repellent wire wrap that tastes like spicy chilis isn’t only creative, but borderline genius. This clever item was recently brought to light by automotive journalist Bozi Tatarevic, who took to Twitter to explain why this spicy tape might come in handy to lots of folks.
Tatarevic confirms that the wrap contains actual capsaicin, which is the ingredient that actually makes peppers hot. Consumer Reports tested the product a couple of years ago and found that there is no funky odor or other indication that the wrap is spicy, so luckily it doesn’t double as a spicy air freshener. The report also noted that Honda was the target of a class-action lawsuit over its use of soy-based wraps in various vehicles, with the suit alleging that the delicious soy coatings in 2012-2015 models attracted rodents. This leads us to believe that the tape could have been introduced as a solution to that problem. What’s one way to get rid of soy-loving rodents? Easy, melt their mouths.
Automaker catalogs have carried critter-repellant parts before, but Honda’s is by far the most comical. As a Twitter commenter notes, the BMW E30 3-Series cars came with an ignition harness that contained a marten (a cute ferret-like creature) repellant, but it lacked the same pizzazz that the chili wire wrap has. The real fun there is trying to figure out why BMW felt it necessary to single out martens as a threat to its cars. Maybe they are a big problem in Germany? Let us know!
Finding little automotive Easter eggs is always fun, but this one isn’t just cool; it’s also effective. Remember that there’s no better way to keep your non-daily ride healthy than by taking it out for a drive on a regular basis, even if you don’t have anywhere to go. That being said, we can’t keep you from buying Honda part number 4019-2317 just to say you have chili-flavored wiring tape.
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