By the early 2000s, he began arranging the cars more like a museum, and someone suggested they name the growing operation the “Rambler Ranch.” The name stuck, and the Ranch continued to grow, adding new buildings, a handful of rare vehicles from other brands, a collection of vintage appliances, a replica Sinclair gas station, and an entire apartment decked out in authentic 1960s décor. They also hired a full-time mechanic.
Gale worked constantly, fixing cars, arranging memorabilia, landscaping the property, and giving tours. Greg would call often to check up on him, as he often lost track of time tinkering away in the windowless buildings late into the night. The couple were eventually married at the Rambler Ranch, surrounded by friends and car lovers. Sadly, Greg passed away unexpectedly in 2016, leaving Terry with a broken heart and a small fortune.
“That year, I think I bought over 100 cars after Greg passed away,” he admitted. “I was trying to fill a hole in my heart.”
Today he continues Greg’s legacy of generosity by sharing the Rambler Ranch with thousands of people every year. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, he was hosting multiple tours and events every week. Now that busy schedule seems to be picking up again.
“I have a lot of people call and think I’m a regular museum,” explained Gale. “And they call and say, ‘what are your hours?’ And I say, I don’t have hours, I’m just a private collector…you have to make an appointment.
He does have a handful of “Ranch Hands” who help take care of the cars, buildings, and grounds, but Gale himself is the head curator and guide.
A Three-Hour Tour
Tours begin in the Nash Building, which features gorgeous examples of 1950s pastel-colored Nashes with “Airflyte” styling. Although it’s cliché to say that old cars have more personality, some of these vehicles are truly breathtaking designs, even compared to other ’50s cars. Fender skirts, set-in headlights, stripes, fins, and jet-age enthusiasm fill the space. Alongside his dad’s 1954 Ambassador are rarities like a Nash-Healy sports car, a 1-of-1 Nash Pininfarina concept, and one of the last Nash Ambassadors ever made. His goal is to own one Nash car from every year they were in production (1917-1957), and he’s currently just eight models away.