Some car repairs delayed because of parts shortage


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – Some people are waiting months for their car to be repaired. It’s because auto repair shops are having to wait for the right parts.

The pandemic caused a lot of supply chain issues and that’s caused a big delay in car repairs.

“Typically, if we were to order a wiring harness, we would have one in two days. Now, it could be three to four months,” Kirby Witt, owner of Team Witt Customs and Restorations, said.

Witt said some of the toughest car parts to get are brakes, air conditioning units, suspension parts, clear windows, oil, oil filters and motors. It can be hard to gauge exactly how long it will take to receive some of the parts.

“If they give you a timeline, that isn’t always true. That could change. They could say six months and at six months they could say two months and it could end up being a year,” Witt, who is having a hard time fixing his own truck when the engine needs to be replaced, said. “Fortunately, I found a company that had them in stock, but I couldn’t get one through Ford anywhere.”

If you can, plan your upcoming repairs so mechanics can order parts before you take the car to the shop.

If you’re in a car accident, talk to your insurance company about how long it will pay for a rental car if you need one. The wait for body work can last months.

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