Battery science is a pretty undeveloped field, which is why we’re still using lithium-ion instead of ultra-efficient metal air or sodium chemistry. During the period when burning fuel to generate power was always the easiest option, there wasn’t a motivation to make storage a priority and when it comes to […]
How To Remove a Motorcycle Gas Tank
When attempting to resolve a fuel issue on a car, removing the gas tank is looked at as a last resort. It’s not altogether difficult, but it’s an annoyance that takes ages. Its location, usually underneath the rear seats and/or trunk, complicates the service process and demands plentiful patience and, […]
How To Get Better Gas Mileage
Regardless of whether or not money is a concern, people of all backgrounds and financial levels hate going to the gas station. It’s not just the fact that you are, in a way, burning through your cash, it’s the overly loud spokesperson on four-inch TVs, it’s the COVID germs on […]
Here’s How Long Gas Lasts
The Drive and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links. Read more It’s easy to lose track of how long a vehicle has been sitting. If you didn’t intentionally put the car away for storage, one week quickly bleeds into one […]
What Happens When You Put Regular Gas In A Premium Car?
It’s never a good idea to tempt the automotive maintenance gods, but sometimes there just isn’t a pump with premium fuel to be found when you need it. If you’ve ever found yourself in these situations, it can be stressful trying to determine what the impact on your vehicle will […]
How To Dispose Of Old Gas
Like those pantry potatoes with Alien-like tentacles crawling out of their eyelets, gasoline only lasts so long. Leave it untouched in a vehicle, a lawnmower, or a storage tank for an extended period of time, and it will start to degrade into a dark and nasty unusable liquid. Running old […]
Every Gas Station in Germany Will Be Required to Have EV Chargers
Germany’s newest stimulus plan is one that rewards drivers of electric vehicles and penalizes those stuck in the stone age of gas- and diesel-powered SUVs. Indeed, the country is using a hefty chunk of its 130 billion euro ($146.26 billion) recovery allotment to have every gas station nationwide install EV […]